About Me

My photo
I am a Creative. Graphic Design/ Illustration Geek. Things I like: Creativity. Things I dislike: Boring stuff. What I wear: Vintage, Random, Whatever i like. People I admire: My Mum & Alexa Chung. Music I listen to: Soulful House. Art I like: Banksy, Tracey Emin & Chris King. Favourite quotes: Fuck it, init. Most happy when: Hmmm... Hopes and fears: Hope; To be recongised. Fear; To disappear. My words of wisdom: Its cold in the shade. I probably shouldn’t say this but.. Im incredible.

Monday, 19 January 2009

Photographer: David LeChapelle

Exhibition Group Poster.

Scribbles as a collective; Myself, Eve, Carla & Jayde. Poster to exhibit Graphic Design2 Quotes posters.

Poster Quote.

"In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends."

Quote from Martin Luther King Jr. Geneva CY Font.

Sunday, 18 January 2009

Impressions of London

My impression of London... 

I used to think London was a clean place but things changed once I came to realise how dirty it actually is. Through creating my postcards I captured how nasty the big wonderful capital really is.

My London is the area is which in I live, Newham. I tend not to travel out of my area on a day to day basis. So instead of driving around the busy streets of London I walked around the streets of Newham for a day, in order to create my impression of London.

Each of these postcards represent people; in order for something to become damaged I guess there must have been someone who had damaged it. 

How can something which was so beautiful and pure turn so rotten?